Wellbeing Gets Real® - Parents:

Making wellbeing a reality for busy working parents.

“Looking after yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally helps you give your children what they need to grow and thrive”.

(Source: raisingchildren.net.au)

Giving parents the tools to respond effectively to the chaos and mess that can be modern family life and strengthening the home ecosystem.

There is a lot of pressure on parents these days - we have so much information on what to do and what not to do AND social comparison is in our face, thanks to the far reaching social media we have at our finger tips. (This can make me feel like I’m ‘not enough’ in most areas of my life!)

Family is the 2nd leading cause of stress for Australian workers. With so many working parents feeling weighed down – emotionally, physically, financially – there has never been a more critical time for organisations to support working families. It’s not only good for business, but also a corporate responsibility. Organisations also need to consider whether the jobs parents are doing are the right mix of skill and challenge or are high job demands and poor work design high psychosocial risk factors?

We can adopt the mindset of work-family enrichment - using the skills you have developed as a parent, to better your professional life.

What works for one family will be different for another, but the key is to get realistic and practical about wellbeing. This workshop will help parents intentionally tweak habits that make sense for them and their personal circumstance so they can respond effectively to the inevitable mess of life and develop a work-family enrichment mindset.

Scroll down to take the The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® Audit.

Get back to having the energy to parent & work the way you thought you would, and learn how to be ok with the way you are today.

The workshop covers: The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™®

The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® combines elements from Seligman’s PERMA™ model and incorporates strategies derived from ACT Mindfulness, VIA Character Strengths and other Positive Psychology research.

The six pillars of The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® are all interconnected, meaning if you work on building compassion you are more likely to take positive action and learn from previous experiences rather than berate yourself for making a mistake, for example.

The six pillars of The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™®:

1.       Compassion (for self and others & work the basics of health),

2.       Action (taking positive values guided action),

3.       Learning (applying a growth mindset),

4.       Mindfulness (building psychological flexibility),

5.       Enjoyment (using strengths to increase joy in and energy for life),

6.       Relationships (appreciation for and nurturing of positive relationships).

Through attending these sessions, you will:

1. Learn what The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® is,

2. Take some time to appreciate where you are struggling and what you want more of,

3. Identify practical ways you can be your best self, through applying The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™®.

 Book a workshop with Charlotte today -

Recommended format - 3 X 40 min weekly sessions | 60min and 45 min sessions available.

Book a coaching session with Charlotte (see Services tab & Coaching)

Session outline: CLICK HERE

Take the CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® Subjective Audit CLICK HERE

15 min discovery call to explore coaching package or workshop.


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