
Leadership Burnout Coaching

The landscape leaders are operating in is challenging.

Outside of work we have environmental issues, unpredictable politics, a global pandemic, rising inflation which may be unsettling for people. Inside the workplace, leaders need to navigate a complex diversity agenda, hybrid working, and psychosocial safety legislation.

A lot is asked of our leaders and they are burning out. If your leaders’ are experiencing chronic stress, and if their wellbeing is languishing…it can be harder for them to build trust within their team and trust is an essential ingredient for a high performing team.

I work with leaders’ on their own wellbeing and stress management first and then together, we look at how we can build a culture of care for their team. Whether it’s through a strengths based approach, meaning making and job crafting or building psychological safety through nurturing positive relationships.

Parent Wellbeing Coaching

I give parents the tools to respond effectively to the chaos and mess that is modern family life and strengthening the home ecosystem. I help them develop self-compassion for when they are not being the parent they wish to be, which can be inevitable at times.

Family is the 2nd leading cause of stress for Australian workers. With so many working parents feeling weighed down – emotionally, physically, financially – there has never been a more critical time for you to put your oxygen mask on first. It’s not only good for your professional life, but also will support you in being the parent your children needs you to be (at least for most of the time).

What works for one family will be different for another, but the key is to get realistic and practical. This series of coaching will help you intentionally tweak things that make sense for you and your personal circumstance and so you can respond effectively to the mess of life.

What to expect from your parent coaching experience:

1. Learn what The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® is,

2. Take some time to appreciate where you are struggling and what you want more of,

3. Identify practical ways you can develop your best self, through applying The CALMER Parent Wellbeing Model™® .

*Contact me to be placed on the waiting list for the next live coaching webinar sessions.

Book a coaching session.

“Looking after yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally helps you give your children what they need to grow and thrive”. (Source:

Whether you are a parent or a leader, looking after your own wellbeing will help you support those who count on you.

Charlotte also provides coaching for leaders in how to be compassionate and strengths focused to help build a culture of care.

15 min discovery call - to explore coaching package


Wellbeing for Working Parents

